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Felt Rose Pencil Topper

Felt Rose Pencil Topper

With Valentine’s day fast approaching, these sweet little Felt Rose Pencil Toppers are the perfect addition to any Valentine’s gift exchange. In the beginning of the school year, the teacher’s usually send a note home letting parents know what they can and can’t bring to 

No Fail Rice Pilaf

No Fail Rice Pilaf

Looking for a great basic side dish? Then look no further than my No Fail Rice Pilaf. Seriously, it’s really no fail. With just 5 ingredients, you can have a flavorful side for any chicken, pork or fish dish. How is this no fail? Every 

Choco Snow Caps

Choco Snow Caps

I love cookies…all kinds throughout the year. But when it’s cold outside, and I need a chocolate cookie, these Choco Snow Caps are the perfect winter companion. Only 5 Ingredients… Not only are these chewy, chocolatey and super yummy, but they’re so easy to make. 

Chicken Noodle Casserole

Chicken Noodle Casserole

Sick of eating leftover chicken or turkey? Then it’s time to up-cycle your meal with this warm and filling chicken noodle casserole. Right after the holidays, I’m figuring out what to do with the leftover turkey or chicken. That’s when this “go-to” casserole comes into 

Warm & Cheesy Chicken Dip

Warm & Cheesy Chicken Dip

On a rainy or snowy day, sometimes you just want something warm and comforting. That’s when this warm & cheesy chicken dip comes into play. Not only is this dip super easy to make, but it’s great for parties, pot lucks, small get-togethers (game night 

Strawberry Shortcake Trifle

Strawberry Shortcake Trifle

What’s the best time to enjoy the sweetness of this Strawberry Shortcake Trifle? Anytime, winter, spring, summer or fall! I’ve found that this dessert works for any kind of gathering and is always a hit. Layers of angel food cake, strawberries and sweetened cream cheese 

Needle Felting Basics

Needle Felting Basics

What the heck is needle felting?  This is a question, I asked myself recently as I began a new crafting journey. To help you out, here’s a beginner’s guide for needle felting. It’s all the basics and everything you need to know to get started. 

Pumpkin Spice Baked Donut Holes

Pumpkin Spice Baked Donut Holes

What better way to enjoy pumpkiny goodness than with a Pumpkin Spice Baked Donut Hole. It’s pretty much all the good parts about donuts, without the fuss of deep frying. I love donut holes and I’ve been known to hit the Dunkin Donuts late in 

Growing Daylilies

Growing Daylilies

I have several varieties of Daylilies in my garden. To me it’s really one of the most perfect perennials. These beautiful flowers are very easy to grow, winter hardy and thrive in full to part sun. Here are my tips on how to grow daylilies. 

Batty Rice Krispie Treats

Batty Rice Krispie Treats

While these little Batty Rice Krispie Treats are super cute and really tasty. The act of making them is an exercise in frustration. Like all great cooking adventures, the beginning is rosy and optimistic. However, by the time the 15th cookie wing snaps in half 

Rice Krispie Treat Monster Blobs

Rice Krispie Treat Monster Blobs

I love Halloween and making these Rice Krispie Treat Monster Blobs, may be the easiest treat ever. No baking and very little goes into this to make them successful.  I have to say, sometimes when you make a recipe – it ends up being a 

Super Beefy Vegetable Soup

Super Beefy Vegetable Soup

A cold, rainy day, may be a downer for some folks, but for me it’s a relief. A time to slow down, and focus on being inside, since there’s no pressure to take advantage of the weather outside. That’s the beauty of a bowl of